Conduit is providing the connection between what we should be doing and what ultimately gets done. Our hosts celebrate that they "Can" do it and explore the unique ways others do it as well.



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#42: We Asked a Lot of Questions

February 9th, 2023 · 50 minutes

The answer is…. Well not that important.

In this episode, we uncover our preference of solutions over answers and hope to solve an important question.

“What did we learn from all of this?”

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Checked Connections

- Kathy ✅ - Braces Decision
- Jay ✅ - Keeping up with Folks. I did that. It was nice.

Keep sending those MyConduit Connections to us on Discord and through Feedback!

New Connections

- Kathy - Tackle two of the boxes behind the couch
- Jay - Do the simple thing that takes 1 second: take ya dang Vitamin D
