Guest Appearances

Focused #177: The Care and Feeding of Technology, with Mike Rohde May 9th, 2023

The Pen Addict #543: Sketchnotes, Revisited December 14th, 2022

Focused #83: Ideas Over Art, with Mike Rohde October 1st, 2019

Mac Power Users #223: MPU Live: It's So Choice... November 6th, 2014

CMD Space #51: Creating a Typeface, with Mike Rohde and Delve Withrington July 10th, 2013

Mac Power Users #120: Taking Notes with Mike Rohde January 14th, 2013

CMD Space #19: Sketchnotes and Fantastical, with Mike Rohde and Michael Simmons December 3rd, 2012

The Pen Addict #17: Sketchnoting With Mike Rohde June 7th, 2012

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