Automation makes your life easier and everyone can do it.



#23: Diving into Drafts Automation with Tim "The Drafts Man" Nahumck

May 10th, 2019 · 62 minutes

In this episode Rosemary and David get Tim the Drafts Man to talk about how he uses Drafts, sharing actions, tips and tricks.

Guest Starring: Tim Nahumck

This episode of Automators is sponsored by:

  • TextExpander, from Smile: Try the new release with the visual editor. Get 20% off your first year.
  • Luna Display: The only hardware solution that turns your iPad into a wireless display for your Mac. Use promo code AUTOMATORS at checkout for 10% off.

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Links and Show Notes

Drafts 5: The MacStories Review – MacStories
5by5 | Back to Work #113: Entropy's Gonna Do Its Business

Merlin Mann talking about Drafts

Add List to Groceries | Drafts Action Directory

Add list of items to the Groceries list in Reminders.

Screencasts | Drafts
Drafts for Mac: The MacStories Review – MacStories
Vector with Rene Ritchie: 033: Drafts, with Greg Pierce and Merlin Mann

The origin story of Drafts

Text Modifier… | Drafts Action Directory

Tim's Text Modifications Actions Group

Mac Power Users #478: Journaling with Day One - Relay FM
Automators #14: Automated Journaling - Relay FM
The Day One Podcast: 26 - More Shortcuts with Rosemary Orchard!
Drafts 5.4: Siri Shortcuts, WordPress, and More – MacStories

The WordPress Actions here are extremely useful.

Pre-Travel List → Things | Drafts Action Directory

Create a pre-defined packing list in Things. You will first be prompted for a Trip Name, Note, and a date of when the packing needs to be completed. Sends a project to Things, broken up by areas. Uses a modified version of Send to Things by Tyler Eich.

Keys | Drafts Action Directory

Useful action keys and their associated duplicate actions that can be copied to other action groups. Duplicate actions are denoted with a prefix of “ ⸁ “ in the action.

Add Single Reminder | Drafts Action Directory

Create a single task to Reminders with a note to a specific list from a prompt (no draft required).

Everything “Drafts” –
Remind Me of… Draft | Drafts Action Directory

Creates a reminder with a link back to the draft, setting a due date and time for the reminder.Note: This can use the following apps: Reminders, GoodTask, Things, Todoist, and OmniFocus.

Fundamentally Broken

As Tim mentioned, potentially not safe for work or around children.

Tim @nahumck on Twitter