The podcast that came before BONANZA!, Bionic started as a show covering various technology and media ecosystems before... taking a turn starting at Episode 51. (There was no point in preserving the earlier ones. Trust us.)



#94: You're Degrading us as a Culture

June 5th, 2014 · 46 minutes

This week Myke and Matt are in San Francisco. TOGETHER.

They broadcast the show live and Steppen Hatchett joined them.

It's bad guys. Real Bad...

Guest Starring: Stephen Hackett

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Links and Show Notes

This week Myke and Matt are in San Francisco. TOGETHER.

They broadcast the show live and Steppen Hatchett joined them.

It's bad guys. Real Bad...

Links for this episode:

Matt's Keys

Myke's MacBook Pro - an album on Flickr

Chase Reeves's post on Vine

Twitter / Gromble: Listen along as @imyke, ...

Matt on Stephen's Instagram

Myke's Oyster Card

Dropbox - Bionic Does it Better.aif