Clockwise is a rapid-fire discussion of current technology issues hosted by Dan Moren and Mikah Sargent and featuring two special guests each week. Four people, four topics--and because we're always watching the clock, no episode is longer than 30 minutes.



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#88: A Hot Mess

May 20th, 2015 · 30 minutes

We predict this episode is about Google I/O predictions, Apple TV WWDC predictions, our predictions about the future of human interface design, and the predictions we've made that failed spectacularly. With Brianna Wu and Glenn Fleishman.

Guest Starring: Brianna Wu, Myke Hurley, and Glenn Fleishman

This episode of Clockwise is sponsored by:

  • Dropbox for Business: Let your whole team sync and share files.
  • Great online training from the experts that lets you go at your own pace.

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Verge: AR versus VR and Hololens