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#260: Creating and Running a Nonprofit with Jean MacDonald

June 8th, 2015 · 101 minutes

Jean MacDonald, founder of App Camp For Girls joins Katie and David to talk about her experiences creating a nonprofit. Jean discusses the genesis of App Camp, generating community support, the logistics of running, funding and marketing.

Guest Starring: Jean MacDonald

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Links and Show Notes

Jean MacDonald (@macgenie) | Twitter
App Camp For Girls
App Camp For Girls 3.0 | Indiegogo
App Camp 3.0 - Let's Fund a Mac Power Users Team!
Smile: Mac Software for PDF Editing, Text Expansion and CD/DVD Label Design
App Camp Quiz Compendium on the App Store on iTunes
Introducing the Relay FM app, powered by Glide — Relay FM
Glide Creations Ltd
Úll 2015
Swift - Overview - Apple Developer
A Summer Camp for Making Apps, Not Friendship Bracelets - The New Yorker
Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls – Portland, Oregon
Ladies Rock Camp
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Big Nerd Ranch - Mobile App Development, Training & Programming Guides
Using Storyboards for OS X | Swift Video Tutorials
Create Legal - Legal advice designed for businesses doing creative work.
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The workspace for your life’s work | Evernote
Google Docs
Kent Bye - The Resurgence of Hula Hooping - YouTube
Pelican Custom Services
Slack: Be less busy
1Password (@1Password) | Twitter
The MacSparky Expedition List by DavidSparks
chrisbrogan.com - Media, marketing, lead generation, and customer acquisition strategies for business
Amazon: Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online: Chris Brogan
Macstock Conference & Expo – June 20 2015 • A conference for the Mac and iOS community