
Upgrade with Jason Snell and Myke Hurley - Listen

The Pen Addict is a weekly fix for all things stationery. Pens, pencils, paper, ink – you name it, and Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley are into it. Join as they geek out over the analog tools they love so dearly.



#138: We All Want a Lightsaber

January 19th, 2015 · 68 minutes

Brad and Myke are joined this week by Tony Sculimbrene from Everyday Commentary to discuss all things EDC. Why do we carry knives? What makes a flashlight special? What pens get the job done? And, most importantly, would you spend $1300 for a lightsaber?

Guest Starring: Anthony Sculimbrene

This episode of The Pen Addict is sponsored by:

  • An easy and affordable way to help individuals and organizations learn. Free 10-day trial.
  • Pen Chalet: use the code PENADDICT to save 10% on your order or click the ‘podcast’ link at the top of the website and enter the password 'penaddict' for even more savings, as well as your 10% off.

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