The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley - Listen
November 26th, 2013 · 41 minutes
In this episode Myke and Brad have loads of FU, including an update on the Polar Pen Kickstarter project and the new Field Notes Winter 2013 edition. We also chat a bit about Myke’s flatmate Sir Jony Ive and his (RED) Lamy 2000 and a couple of new pen pro
In this episode Myke and Brad have loads of FU, including an update on the Polar Pen Kickstarter project and the new Field Notes Winter 2013 edition. We also chat a bit about Myke’s flatmate Sir Jony Ive and his (RED) Lamy 2000 and a couple of new pen projects that should be on your radar.
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