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Steve Lubitz started playing video games with ET for the Atari 2600 and somehow didn't give up on gaming entirely. Along with being the host of Isometric, he’s a professional software developer, specializing in business intelligence. He’s committed to teaching his three daughters that Zelda is the girl and that Tom Nook is a crook.

Retired Shows


Listening to this weekly show about technology and culture may have caused the following symptoms: uncontrollable laughter, onset confusion, chronic empathy, and heightened awareness.


Game developer Brianna Wu, technology journalists Georgia Dow and Mikah Sargent, and game enthusiast Steve Lubitz analyzed the week’s biggest stories in the video game industry from different perspectives.

Guest Appearances

Less Than or Equal #47: Steve Lubitz June 29th, 2015

Less Than or Equal #12: Steve Lubitz October 27th, 2014

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