Guest Appearances

Clockwise #161: Emotional Life Preserver November 2nd, 2016

Clockwise #147: It's All Zubats Around Here July 27th, 2016

Clockwise #128: Non-Virtual Nausea March 16th, 2016

Clockwise #118: Bright and Bushy Tailed January 6th, 2016

Clockwise #108: Mysteriously Concealed Peas October 14th, 2015

Clockwise #96: Faraday Cave July 22nd, 2015

Inquisitive #48: Favourite Album: James Thomson and 'Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld' July 22nd, 2015

Clockwise #87: Creeped Out By Robots May 13th, 2015

Inquisitive #37: Behind the App #11: The Future May 6th, 2015

Clockwise #81: Little Tiny Terrycloth Robes April 1st, 2015

Clockwise #76: The Darkness February 25th, 2015

Clockwise #64: Disposable Electric Car November 26th, 2014

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