Kerry Provenzano

On Threads: klprovenzano

Kerry is Relay FM's Chief Advertising Officer. She lives in England, with her various Macs and a well-loved Kindle. She is also a writer, having originally trained as a journalist and then working as a newspaper columnist for 11 years.


Paper Places

Paper Places is the podcast that demystifies the journey to becoming a professional writer. Each episode, columnist-turned-author Kerry Provenzano sits down with an acclaimed writer who shares where their words have taken them.

Guest Appearances

Conduit #86: Just Let It Unfold October 17th, 2024

Mac Power Users #678: Sales and Studies, with Kerry Provenzano February 5th, 2023

Departures #8: Relay FM Host Balderdash II June 22nd, 2022

Departures #6: Relay FM Podcastathon for St. Jude (2021) September 19th, 2021

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