John Siracusa and Merlin Mann try to figure out exactly how they got this way.



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#254: Someone Else’s Bucket

He’s our special little guy.

February 14th, 2025 · 75 minutes

Merlin tries a new way of writing online, and John thinks about what it really means to own your web presence.

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Merlin tries a new way of writing online, and John thinks about what it really means to own your web presence.

In this month’s member bonus episode, your hosts catch up on this new era of Survivor.

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(Recorded on Tuesday, February 4, 2025)


Merlin's (latest) website:

I accidentally made this website into a newsletter, and it looks like almost fourteen people accidentally signed up for it. Which is awesome and weird. Thank you.

Cool URIs don't change
John's website:
Merlin's "Cranking" essay
The Peridiam YouTube channel about Survivor