So many podcasts are about our digital devices. Analog(ue) is a show about how these devices make us feel and how they change our lives for the better, but also for the worse.



Latest Episodes

#112: Utterly Preposterous in the Best Possible Way

August 6th, 2017 · 79 minutes

Analog(ue) listeners write in to say what they believe fame is, and Firefly Viewing Club continues with Episode 7: Jaynestown.

#111: Micro-Famous

July 22nd, 2017 · 87 minutes

Casey gets encouragement, Myke is a little starstruck, and they return Firefly Viewing Club for episode 6: Our Mrs Reynolds.

#110: A Loose Definition of Risky

July 8th, 2017 · 70 minutes

Casey struggles with independence, Myke has conferences and travel on the horizon, and they return to space for Firefly Viewing Club for episode 5: Safe.

#109: Peculiar and Infuriating

June 25th, 2017 · 75 minutes

Being apart, wedding updates, and learning new languages. Plus Firefly Viewing Club continues with Episode 4: Shindig.

#108: Explain To The Rubber Duck

June 11th, 2017 · 71 minutes

Casey has had a realisation, and Myke wants to relay those feels. Plus Firefly Viewing Club continues with Episode Three: Bushwacked.

#107: Me and Casey have Egos

May 27th, 2017 · 85 minutes

Casey and Myke share their guide on how to be prepared for WWDC, and watch discuss Firefly Episode Two: The Train Job.

#106: Greatest Show Ever Made

May 14th, 2017 · 103 minutes

Myke went to a show, Casey is running, they have lots more thoughts on the Nintendo Switch, and Myke has finally watched the first episode of Firefly.

All Firefly spoilers happen at the end of the show, and are clearly warned.

#105: Impromptu Parties

April 30th, 2017 · 71 minutes

Travel recaps, another election, and Nintendo.

#104: Just Make Something

April 16th, 2017 · 75 minutes

Myke loses something, Casey gains news skills, and they pay tribute to a friend.

#103: Screwed into my Noggin

April 2nd, 2017 · 59 minutes

Myke has a headache, Casey gets to gloat.