
Conduit with Kathy Campbell and Jay Miller - Listen

Automation makes your life easier and everyone can do it.



Latest Episodes

#127: Feedback!

May 6th, 2023 · 79 minutes

It's time for some automation feedback. Topics include task inbox processing, automated check-ins, dumping automation confirmations with Shortcuts, home automation, and time tracking.

#126: Safari Automation

April 21st, 2023 · 84 minutes

In this episode David and Rosemary go on Safari and look at all the settings, extensions and integrations you can use to automate you browsing across macOS and iOS.

#125: AppleScript Events and more with James Thomson

April 8th, 2023 · 110 minutes

In this episode, Rosemary and David are joined by creator of PCalc, Dice and About (by PCalc), James Thomson. They talk about James' first implementations of automation in his apps, as well as what automations he's using now, and AppleScript vs Shortcuts.

#124: Image Automation

March 24th, 2023 · 88 minutes

Fixing images and screenshots is boring and tedious. Why not hand that off to automation?

#123: HomeKit from Scratch with Myke Hurley

March 11th, 2023 · 79 minutes

In this episode Rosemary and David welcome Myke Hurley back to the show to talk about taking over his new Home with HomeKit.

#122: Nerding Out with Allison Sheridan

February 25th, 2023 · 70 minutes

Allison Sheridan joins us to share her automation workflows. Topics include Keyboard Maestro, Hazel, and more automation tools.

#121: Hardware Launchers

February 10th, 2023 · 78 minutes

After diving into software launchers in episode 120, Rosemary and David take a look at doing things with real physical buttons, in all the forms that can take.

#120: Looking at Launchers

January 27th, 2023 · 82 minutes

Rose and David spent some time looking at Raycast, the latest Mac launcher to arrive on the market, and compare it to their current favorite launcher, Alfred.

#119: Moving Houses and to the Mac with Chris Lawley

January 13th, 2023 · 100 minutes

Chris Lawley, YouTuber, nerd, and photographer joins David and Rosemary to talk about moving house and what that means for his smart home, as well as his journey back to the Mac.

#118: Ask the Automators

December 30th, 2022 · 68 minutes

In this episode Rose and David dig into the questions and feedback bag. Topics include Apple Notes and Reminders, home automation (hooray for doorbell cams!), window management, and IR blasting. Good times!