Your hosts start off this week by discussing the ever-lasting tablet: the NVIDIA Shield. The trio also discusses Apple's stiff reins on iMessages and whether the Google Clips camera might be a hit. And this is all just in the first half-hour of the show!
In this week's episode, Andy, Flo, and Russell get into the spirit of Google I/O. The trio also reflects on the changing norms of content consumption, all the while wondering where the Google Home Max fits into the picture.
What is Flo like after eight straight days at the biggest consumer electronics trade show? Find out this week. Andy also regales us with tales of Google's greatest helper apps, while Russell gets a bit off his chest about the Google Home & Google WiFi.
Flo braves the exciting and daunting world of CES, so in her absence Andy tries to play music while Russell ponders his next phone choice. We also talk about Google taking over CES and the curious case of the community bike.
We're back in a brand new year with a brand new show! Did Andy and Russell survive their moves? What did Flo get for xmas that will blow all our collective minds?
It's the last episode of the year! Listen in as Andy, Flo, & Russell wax poetic about the meaning of the holidays. Then, they try to Google "Why 2017." The results are polarizing.
In the penultimate show of the year, the gang waxes poetic about holiday Google Doodles and why Russia and Germany were omitted from the festive fun. Andy, Flo, and Russell also pay homage to one of their favorite free Google services: Google Maps.
Android 8.1 drops stickers all over the Material crew. Andy plays with Star Wars action figures while waiting for pancakes. Russell befriends a Storm Trooper. Flo plays some pranks. Android 8.1, Google's Annual Year in Search Lists, Appsperiments and MAX.
Russell and Flo meet at an undisclosed location with undisclosed parties. Wait who are we kidding they disclose ALL under the dual screen lights of the Axon M. Andy explores the curious world of penguins in the workplace.
Andy and Flo get down to business. They explore how much personal data is too much to hand over to Google and touch upon Andy Rubin's leave from Essential. They also discuss if either will ever recover after the Great Cheeseburger Emoji debacle of 2017.