Yasmine wants to TAP AND PAY ALL THE THINGS. Russell likes to occasionally spin crowns. Andy is fascinated by his doodle.
Yasmine gets excited about directions. Russell wishes he was a designer at DropBox. Andy loves swiping his 5X.
Andy's back, and he's mad as hell, to prove this he records into a camera. Yasmine never left, but she's mad as hell too, to prove it she yells at LG. Russell is a foreigner so what he's up to doesn't matter.
Andy taps out and is replaced by someone with the coolest name in the world. Allo Allo, Yasmine ranks you below Duo. Russell struggles to write show notes on Australia Day. Has he been drinking?
Andy dreams of Ham. Russell is unsure about being a Hostnerd. Yasmine flies away. Also Android Wear 2.0, Pixels flying off shelves, more Samsung drama and won't somebody think of the driverless cars!
Russell fixes the Internet. Yasmine uses the power of machine learning to find a banana. Andy dreams of ham. That's right buckeroo's! It's CES, CES, CES and more CES. And just for something different a smattering of CES and a story that's not about CES.
The Material Crew is back from vacation and they're here to share their Holiday gifts! Russell received a Google WiFi, Yasmine got a cold, and Andy has renewed love for the camera app. Hold onto your seats, CES news is coming your way.
It's the final episode of 2016 in a week devoid of any news whatsoever. So what do your intrepid hosts get up to? We'll leave that as a mystery best unwrapped by you, the listener.
Andy rummages through POTUS's house while he's away. Yasmine is BFFs with FLOTUS. Russell once met the King Of Sweden. It's the most royal episode of Material yet! Also tablets, keyboards and ALL THE GOOGLE UPDATES!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Yasmine is back and she seems upset about something. Andy is unusually quiet. Russell finally fells his Samsung demons. Also car things and Android Things for your Internet Of Things.