Andy shows off his day and night iPad Pros. Yasmine yells at Google. Microsoft runs away. Russell doesn't get Thanksgiving, but Google does. Knock knock. Who's there? Drone? Drone who? Drone't you know there's a package here for you!
The cutest little listenerd in the world. Crazy expensive watches. Computers learning to respond to email and Apple Music comes to...wait what?!...ANDROID?! Could it be? Tune in this week and find out.
Shots were fired. Plans drafted. Entire battles won & lost. But in the end there could be only one winner in the Great Nexus 6P Race. Who you ask? Well you'll have to tune in and find out. Come for the race coverage, stay for our thoughts on the Nexus 6P.
Yasmine has an OnHub! The Nexus goes on sale in Australia! Google getting into podcasts! A heart warming story! Some Google inspired halloween spookiness! All this and more on exclamation marks weekly! More exclamation marks than any other podcast!!!!!!!!
Yasmine and Russell swoon over Andy's Nexus 5X and 6P as he gives them the run down of his initial impressions of the new phones from Google. Could it be true? Are they both amazing? You'll have to tune in and find out...also Maps, Cardboard & HTC. Oh my!
Welcome to our first ever movie length episode! Starring Yasmine Evjen as the funny smart one. Russell as the evil guy with a British Accent and Andy Ihnatko as the dad figure who helps you learn there's more to life than sitting behind a keyboard.
Everyone except Russell has cool new stuff to play with. Yasmine and Andy have their new Chromecasts. Andy got to play with all the new toys from Microsoft and Yasmine has Russell's Moto X and Moto 360. Does Russell cry? Does Yasmine make the jump to Proj
Join us this week to find out what the team thought of the Google announcement this week. Nexus 6P or 5X? New Chromecasts? What did the Pixel C? And Blackberry finally joins the Dark Side and releases an Android phone!
This week we delve into the history of the Nexus line of phones, and the upcoming phones from Google that are just around the corner. Could this be the year Google finally promotes them proudly? Also Andy has his Moto 360 and is not afraid to flaunt it.
This week Andy has his Moto X sounds very smug about it. Russell distracts him with questions while trying to figure out how to swipe it. Speaking of swipe...Android Pay is here and Yasmine braves the crazy world of retail to find out how it works.