David puts his new cohost, Stephen Hackett, in the hot seat to talk about his tech background, love of the Mac, and if Batman or Superman is better. All of that, plus a couple of exciting event announcements.
We cover feedback on subscriptions, iOS tips, and more. Katie and David look back on the last 463 episodes and discuss the origins of Mac Power Users. Katie discusses her journey, favorite workflows, and answers a few listener questions.
Jason Snell returns to tell us about his iMac Pro, how he uses his Mac mini, Jason's move towards iOS, being an avid reader, making time for it all, and a few of his favorite picks.
There's a lot hidden in iOS. David and Katie run down some of their favorite iOS tips and tricks that you may not have known, or may have forgotten about.
Casey Liss returns to update us on his life as a free agent, his rekindled love with the iPad, becoming a YouTuber and more.
Subscriptions! It seems the wave of the future but should we be happy about that? In this episode Katie and David talk about this trend towards subscriptions and the software and services they believe are worth the effort.
Katie has a big announcement, David has a new Field Guide, we both have new iPads, we also discuss the new MacBook Airs, Apple’s pricing, our daily routines, and answer listener questions.
It's time for our annual Holiday Geek Gift Guide. David and Katie run down their favorite gift picks for the year as well as what's on their own holiday wish lists.
Katie and David chat with Laura McClellan of The Productive Woman Podcast to discuss her prospectives on productivity, finding and using the right virtual assistant, creating a community around her podcast, routines, habits, and more.
Katie and David discuss Apple's October 2018 event, the MacBook Air, Mac mini, iPad Pro and their purchases.