The most common question creative people get asked is, "Where do you get your ideas?" That's what Originality was all about: exploring the wheres, hows, and whys of creative genius.



Latest Episodes

#30: The XOXO Episode

October 10th, 2019 · 58 minutes

Conferences are essential places to meet new people and expand your creative community, so in this episode Tempest and Aleen talk about their recent experiences at XOXO and why creating intentional community spaces at conferences like it matters.

#29: Pantser, Plotter, Architect, Spy

September 26th, 2019 · 55 minutes

It's time to talk about the F word: failure. Aleen and Tempest tackle failure, mistakes, and how to frame those experiences to be productive instead of destructive—embracing the "happy little accidents" Bob Ross taught us about.

#28: 50% Art Stuff, 50% Life Stuff

September 4th, 2019 · 84 minutes

This episode, Tempest and Aleen are talking about building small communities. Tempest talks to Alethea Kontis, Monica Valentinelli, Stina Leicht, and Shveta Thakrar about their own collective and how they lean each other for support and motivation.

#27: Once You Know the Rules You Can Break the Rules

August 7th, 2019 · 55 minutes

Where is the line between inspiration and appropriation? In this episode, Aleen and Tempest talk about learning by copying—and what questions to ask yourself to ensure that your final product isn't still a copy.

#26: Everything is Really Difficult

April 29th, 2019 · 45 minutes

Let's talk about habits, why they don't work for everyone, and why routines are important.

#25: You Are Not Alone

April 12th, 2019 · 63 minutes

Let's talk about how to stay creative under the mental toll of life in America in 2019!

#24: Bury Your Shoulds

March 26th, 2019 · 44 minutes

Get your shovels, because this week, Aleen and Tempest are discussing how to bury the dreaded “shoulds,” and focus instead on what you want to be doing.

#23: Avoiding Patriarchal Nonsense

October 25th, 2018 · 72 minutes

Today the spotlight is on Tempest! Learn about her recent trip to Egypt, where she got the idea for her novel, and hear her epic retelling of Antigone.

#22: I Am Hugely Motivated by Spite

August 24th, 2018 · 69 minutes

This time around, Kelly Sue DeConnick joins Tempest and Aleen to talk about learning from critique and criticism (and practicing how to take the feedback), how people perceive the series Bitch Planet, and the importance of collaborative relationships.

#21: Irrational Brain Weasels

July 26th, 2018 · 45 minutes

We're baaaacccckkkkK! We use our triumphant return to talk about why the show was on hiatus, getting through stressful times, saying no, and letting go of The Shoulds.