The Pen Addict is a weekly fix for all things stationery. Pens, pencils, paper, ink – you name it, and Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley are into it. Join as they geek out over the analog tools they love so dearly.



Latest Episodes

#256: Excellent Question

May 10th, 2017 · 75 minutes

Brad and Myke are joined this week by Joey Cofone of Baron Fig to discuss, well, EVERYTHING!

#255: Flipped My Toupee

May 3rd, 2017 · 71 minutes

The Bullet Journal has taken on a life of its own over the past year and we had its creator, Ryder Carroll, on to discuss how his life has changed since we last spoke to him.

#254: I Nearly Passed out, and You Started Crying

April 26th, 2017 · 59 minutes

Brad and Myke are back to their normal podcasting setup after another amazing Atlanta Pen Show. The voices are creaky, but the stories are awesome. Thank you all for a wonderful weekend!

#253: Live from the Atlanta Pen Show 2017

April 23rd, 2017 · 60 minutes

Brad, Myke, and Ana are live in front of a studio audience at the 2017 Atlanta Pen Show.

The crew are joined by Vito Grippi from Story Supply Co and Jonathon Brooks from Carolina Pen Company to talk shop and tell them why they're so awesome.

#252: We All Know the Pencil Is Superior to the Pen

April 13th, 2017 · 87 minutes

Brad and Myke are joined this week by Caroline Weaver of CW Pencil Enterprise to talk about - what else - pencils! We cover her background and early love for pencils, opening the online and brick and mortar shop, and writing her recently released book.

#251: That's Not a Colour

April 5th, 2017 · 61 minutes

Brad and Myke dig into new product news, featuring a Tomoe River notebook Kickstarter, and a Bluetooth attached pen. And what would new product talk be without Baron Fig! Brad also gives a big Nock Co. product pipeline update.

#250: The Cool Kids Room

March 29th, 2017 · 84 minutes

Brad and Myke are joined by guest emeritus Ana Reinert to commiserate over 250 episodes worth of podcasts. We also talk about Ana’s latest project and what to expect at the upcoming Atlanta Pen Show.

#249: An Astronomical Wallet Event

March 22nd, 2017 · 69 minutes

Brad is back from the Arkansas Pen Show with tales to tell. It was a different experience, and perfect in all the right way. Plus, he bought stuff.

#248: We're Extraordinarily Particular

March 15th, 2017 · 78 minutes

Brad and Myke are joined this week by Matt Armstrong of The Pen Habit. In a long overdue conversation we discuss Matt’s start with fountain pens, producing wonderful video content, and some of his favorite pens and inks.

#247: My Optima Is in the Shoptima

March 8th, 2017 · 68 minutes

Brad’s interview with Aurora was posted this week and we discuss the details, as well as the million dollar pen floating around the hotel where the interview took place. We also cover a new machined pen, pencil box subscriptions, and reader mail.