We like it when companies give us topics to talk about, and boy are we covered today! The Baron Fig Askew takes center stage, and Brad and Myke are on different sides of the ledger. Who loves it? Who hates it? Tune in to find out!
Brad and Myke are joined by Tiff Arment to discuss the awesomeness that was the Philly Pen Show. How was the vibe? What did she buy? We also get into her recent purchases, including her first Nakaya.
We have a real grab bag of topics for you today, including new Akkerman Ink, Fantasy Vanishing Points, and Primary Manipulation.
Brad and Myke drop some maths and science knowledge on you this week, courtesy of our listeners. Confessions also continue, as Myke feels vindicated on his life choices.
Do you have a stationery confession to make? You are among friends. Brad and Myke share their deepest darkest secrets.
Brad stepped into the beehive with his talk about a product by This Is Ground called the Mod 3. He explains what is up with this case, and he and Myke discuss Myke’s latest pen acquisition. Plus - Field Notes in Christmas cards!
Brad is joined by Mike Dudek of Clicky Post and Dudek Modern Goods fame. They discuss recent and past Kickstarter pens, vintage Rotring and Pilot collecting, and staying sane while running their respective businesses.
Brad and Myke are joined this week by MIke Matteson from Inkdependence. It is a wide-ranging discussion, from ink reviews and favorite colors, to ethics in pen reviews.
Who knew that the shower pen topic would have so much feedback? Our listeners apparently, which is why they are awesome. We also review the Field Notes Black Ice edition, and talk about the grey market in the pen world.
Myke is back from his house shenanigans and is just in time to talk new Field Notes! Black Ice is interesting, as is the Steel & Flint pen, new Montblanc Ink, and shower pens!