As the title indicates, we have a resurrection of an old topic: The Scribble Pen! And you don't want to miss that conversation. We also discuss NPR on paper, the New York Times Magazine article Brad was a part of, and picking a hashtag for the podcast.
Princesses! That's all you need to know about this episode. Oh, there is pen talk and nib talk and Kickstarter giveaways, too. But, Princesses!
I'm not sure a description will do this episode any justice due to the wide range of topics we discussed. There were as many pen questions asked as answered, Kickstarters both good and bad, a personal Top 5 pen update, and even a Tom Cruise mention.
Mechanical pencil follow up? We have it! Who knew that would be such a hot topic. Brad and Myke also talk about several new inks that have crossed their desks recently, and resurrect the Pen Blog of the Week segment.
We take a break from your regularly scheduled pen talk to bring you all of the mechanical pencil info you will ever need! Brad talks about his likes, dislikes, and some pencils that just don't cut it at all.
Brad and Myke are separated by huge bodies of water once again, but through the magic of the internet they are still able to bring you this episode of The Pen Addict Podcast. Loads of pen show follow up is in order, with a special guest pen appearance too
Brad and Myke are joined by Ana for the 150th episode of The Pen Addict, live and in-person at the Atlanta Pen Show!
With Myke on vacation, Brad is joined by Stephen Hackett. They discuss vintage vs. modern pens and digitizing analog notes before Stephen asks Brad the ultimate question.
Brad, Myke, and special guest Ana Reinert talk all things Atlanta Pen Show. They are beyond excited about this event! Will you be there?
Communities are awesome, and is there any better one than the stationery community? No way! This is a subject of great discussion this week, along with some new additions and a big update to the Top 5 Pens list.