
Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen

The Prompt was a weekly panel discussion on technology, and the culture surrounding Apple and related companies. It evolved into Connected in 2014.



Latest Episodes

#57: World’s Greatest Finale

July 17th, 2014 · 63 minutes

The young men (and Stephen) of The Prompt gather one last time and discuss Overcast and IBM.

#56: Stephen for Calendars

July 10th, 2014 · 94 minutes

Myke, Federico and Stephen follow-up on Sherlocking and discuss photo management in the light of the upcoming Photos app from Apple. Then Myke shares his experience with Android Wear and the Weekly Picks sound effect gets played for the first time in ages

#55: Sherlocked

July 3rd, 2014 · 89 minutes

This week, Stephen, Myke and Federico revisit Google TV and Android L, then discuss the phenomenon of Sherlocking.

#54: Asking for a Jetpack Too Soon

June 26th, 2014 · 96 minutes

Federico, Myke and Stephen (Yo!) learn about unlocking British (Yo!) iPhones, visit LinkedIn, try to (Yo!) understand Slingshot and walk through (Yo!) Google I/O.

#53: Scanning Broccoli in to Amazon

June 19th, 2014 · 78 minutes

With summer here, the boys stay cool with topics ranging from Apple’s “new” iMac, Handoff and the Amazon Fire Phone.

#52: Koala Consortium

June 12th, 2014 · 89 minutes

This week Stephen leaves Federico and Myke to celebrate The Prompt's first anniversary on their own. However, they have the help of David Smith to discuss the App Store after WWDC—as well as a whole host of follow-up and fun.

#51: Developer Christmas

June 4th, 2014 · 69 minutes

Mostly live from San Francisco, Myke, Federico and Stephen discuss the events of the WWDC 2014 keynote.

#50: All the Little Ridges

May 29th, 2014 · 79 minutes

Still reeling from the Apple/Beats news, the boys sit down to talk about music, apps and WWDC.

#49: Nights in the Other Room

May 22nd, 2014 · 87 minutes

With an international shortage of Apple news, Myke, Federico and Stephen take on a pile of listener questions.

#48: Complicated Thoughts on the Subject

May 14th, 2014 · 66 minutes

This week, the boys throw themselves a selfie parade and Stephen reads an ancient Apple support document. Then they break down the rumors around Beats and iOS 8 on the iPad.