John complains about a podcast that Merlin likes, and Merlin announces that professional eye care is a racket.
John thinks Merlin drinks too much water, which naturally leads to a deep dive on the landscape of consumer ice machines.
Merlin shares two recent experiences with Apple technology that were unqualified successes. Which, of course, leads to a jeremiad about some consumer tech that's a good deal less successful. John explains how writing books is like jazz, man.
Follow-Up opens with a correction from John and an admission that he's very disappointed in you, the listener. John clocks Merlin's sudden overuse of some given word.
John guides Merlin through an unusual form of communication.
Topic include perception, misdirection, binaries, and how it is that "Survivor" so rarely leaks.
A new season of Survivor brings an amazing new dingaling with a novel definition of "several." Then, John chats with Merlin about his recent Apple Vision Pro experience.
Follow-up, Billy Joel, and Apple Vision Pro.
John has Follow-Up on the Ides of March that leads to an examination of Roman numerals, contextual adjectives, and the challenge of adapting software for the peoples of Volapük.
Your hosts begin unpacking some of the things it took them too long to realize