
Upgrade with Jason Snell and Myke Hurley - Listen

Canvas was a podcast all about mobile productivity. Armed with iOS, Federico and Fraser walked through workflows, explored the best apps for the iPad and iPhone, and helped users solve problems.



Latest Episodes

#77: Future of iPad - Ecosystem

December 21st, 2018 · 74 minutes

In this, final, episode of Canvas, Fraser and Federico look into the future of the iPad ecosystem.

#76: Future of iPad - Automation

December 7th, 2018 · 53 minutes

Fraser and Federico open with an important announcement about the future of Canvas, then speculate on how iOS automation might move forward in the future.

#75: Future of iPad - The Cloud

November 23rd, 2018 · 46 minutes

In this episode on the future of the iPad, Fraser and Federico take a look at cloud services - both Apple's and third parties.

#74: Future of iPad - Hardware

November 9th, 2018 · 55 minutes

In this post-event episode, Federico shares his impressions of the new 3rd generation iPad Pro and we look to the future of iPad hardware.

#73: Future of iPad - Software

October 26th, 2018 · 72 minutes

In this forward-looking episode, Federico and Fraser try to imagine what the future of the iPad might be, with particular consideration of the software it runs.

#72: Fraser Goes to the Dark Side

October 12th, 2018 · 39 minutes

In a surprising turn of events, Fraser buys an Android phone and Federico demands to know why.

#71: Shortcuts, Shortcuts or Shortcuts?

September 29th, 2018 · 40 minutes

This week, Federico spends a quarter of the show saying "Shortcuts", Fraser invents a morse code Shortcut and OpenDoc is referenced in the passing.

#70: Task Managers in 2018

September 18th, 2018 · 55 minutes

This week, Fraser and Federico take a look at the "Big Four" task managers on iOS - Things, OmniFocus, Todoist and Apple Reminders - and consider how the iOS ecosystem has changed since the early days.

#69: Getting Ready for iOS 12

August 31st, 2018 · 50 minutes

This week, Federico leads us through an exploration of the new features coming (soon!) in iOS 12.

#68: Cloud Storage in 2018

August 17th, 2018 · 65 minutes

Fraser is joined by David Chartier for a wide-ranging discussion on the state of cloud storage in 2018 and its impact on our lives.