Jay is gone, so Kathy brings in Jayne Mattingly to discuss Body Grief and how to support the world and take care of yourself.
Kathy is a world renowned communications expert and she gives us the tips and tricks about effective communication. Oh yeah Jay is there too.
Jay needed a hole in the ceiling fixed. So they flew in Britnie’s dad to show them how to do electric and house things. Much was learned.
Normally it’s Jay who’s justifying a busy schedule but this time around Kathy has a lot of things going on. They’re all good and they all seem worth it. The crew offers advice for surviving in the joyous but busy time.
Last year was Kathy's Year of Joy and Jay's exploration with Robb has him pursuing joy in more things.
Also, Kathy hates warm fruit.
This last episode of the year features guest conductor, developer, and all around web fun project guy Robb Knight.
We talk about projects, the why of it all, keeping things fun, and most importantly, not chasing fame.
Jay is gone away again, so Kathy brings in Stephen Hackett as a guest host and they can actually talk about Yearly Themes!
Kathy and Jay go back through a year of system’s checks to see the optimism, hope-ium, and funny thoughts and goals we had for ourselves.
We also introduce the TMNT format to system checks.
Kathy has some new responsibilities at the network and Jay is doing things that are not his job with joy?
Our hosts are going through it and we wanted to make some space for an episode that will be really real.