The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley - Listen
Our obsessive tech hobbies and pastimes, the attraction of clicky keyboards, what SmugMug's Flickr acquisition means, and whether a faux analogue digital camera appeals to us.
Our worries over Twitter's third-party API restrictions, favorite Mac menu bar apps, Apple's subscription news service, and how Facebook's new privacy controls change our feelings, if at all.
Our email setups, whether we think there are viable Facebook alternatives, our feelings on Uber expanding into other forms of transportation, and will there ever be a social media platform we can trust completely?
Cashierless stores of the future, what we'd like to see added to HomeKit, our current ebook purchasing strategies, and the question of lab-grown meat.
Our Facebook and Google privacy concerns, interest (or lack thereof) in the Oculus Go and VR, thoughts on the Logitech Crayon stylus announced yesterday, and whether Apple's streaming service is too late to the party.
The latest Facebook privacy hoopla, Amnesty International says Twitter violates women's rights, Apple's upcoming education event, and questions about the future of self-driving car technology.
Cryptocurrencies, tech devices we don't want to upgrade, our favorite smart gadgets, and the contentious issue of whether we use our phones in the shower.
Our smart and dumb home thermostats, the fractured state of net neutrality laws, the potential resurrection of the MacBook Air, and AI technology in military hands.
Apple's foray into healthcare, the one thing we think Siri needs to improve, where we stream most of our content, and our feelings on the latest social network, Vero.
Our book-reading (or listening) habits, how we use tech to get our news, Twitter's abandonment of the Mac desktop, and our feelings on fingerprint readers vs. facial recognition.