Apple Pay Cash experiences, Google and Amazon's YouTube tiff, increasingly complex emoji, and what we'll think of the iPhone in another ten years.
Robots we'd invite into our houses, Nintendo's approach to mobile gaming, gestured-based computing, and what's the responsibility for reporting critical software vulnerabilities.
Holiday tech support tips, kitchen smart gadgets, what we do with our photos, and whether we could get by with a simple phone.
Face ID spoofing, Facebook wants your nude pictures, whether we'd leave Twitter, and what we'd like to see Apple change for the iPhone X.
Online payment services and Apple Pay Cash, tech workarounds we love, whether wearables will work, and AR's killer apps—or lack thereof.
Animoji: passing fad or important new technology? Also, whether or not we use a case on our smartphones, how Face ID's one-face limit affects us (if at all), and why iPhone users and Android users seem to clash so much.
Would you let Amazon into your house? What happened to Apple doubling down on secrecy? Are you lining up for an iPhone X—and is it the ultimate form of Apple's smartphone?
Machine learning for sensitive photos, our dalliances with other desktop platforms, whether anyone still needs real cameras, and the walled garden of voice assistants.
Tim Cook talks AR glasses, some thoughts on diversity and inclusion in tech, what we do for ergonomics, and how we cope with social media in our everyday life.
Google's notch-less Pixel design vs. the iPhone X, justification for Apple TV's high price (or lack thereof), our can't-live-with-'em-can't-live-without-'em technology choices, and iOS 11's Notes app.