Conduit is providing the connection between what we should be doing and what ultimately gets done. Our hosts celebrate that they "Can" do it and explore the unique ways others do it as well.



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#16: A Good Friend Tells You What You Already Knew

February 10th, 2022 · 49 minutes

Whether the Bees are Buzzing or there are no bones or spoons, thank you for being a friend and telling me the thing I needed to hear.

#15: Jay Has Some Big Decisions

January 27th, 2022 · 51 minutes

Jay had some life happen and now he needs to make some decisions. Kathy is here to help break down the BIG focus and how to put all the choices through the right frame of mind.

#14: Giving Ourselves the Appropriate Amount of Expectations

January 13th, 2022 · 48 minutes

Whether it's themes, goals, resolutions, or just living by the seat of your pants, you have to make sure the expectations you set for yourself match how the way you (Con) do things.

#13: Happiness First, Productivity Second

December 30th, 2021 · 44 minutes

Kathy has lots to be thankful for, Jay is unfortunately unwell, but Rosemary was on standby! Time to review the end of the year and how you finish things or let them go, before getting started on the next new adventure.

#12: Con Doing It Live!

December 16th, 2021 · 47 minutes

How does productivity differ when you’re doing it live! Is Vibing allowed? What happens when something goes wrong and you can’t just stop to do another take?

#11: HUUUUUUUGE Opportunities For You

December 2nd, 2021 · 47 minutes

Kathy is Back and doing New Things. Jay has FOMO and wants to talk about all the benefits of doing things and the sacrifices that come with doing things.

#10: Through the Hurt with Scotty Jackson

November 18th, 2021 · 83 minutes

Sometimes, life hits us hard and we have to try and be productive even when it hurts. I mean physically hurts. In this special episode we have Scotty Jackson to explain to us how he strives to remain productive even when dealing with chronic pain.

#9: Decision Space (The TIRE Technique)

November 4th, 2021 · 42 minutes

It's time to fill up the TIREs and get ready for liftoff as we explore the final frontier before a good decision!

#8: Fear of Success, Because if I Succeed…

October 21st, 2021 · 55 minutes

You know what's really spooky? SUCCESS... This episode is about being afraid to succeed.

#7: See, What We’re Not Gon’ Do… Saying No to Things!

October 7th, 2021 · 60 minutes

We know we're supposed to say no but we don't! So let's talk about tips to saying no to ourselves and others.