Connected is a weekly panel discussion on Apple and the impact of technology on our lives. With each co-host having a unique background — and accent — Connected provides a perspective that no other show can.



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Latest Episodes

#223: Damaged Beyond Delivery

December 19th, 2018 · 84 minutes

Stephen priced out a MacBook Air, Myke almost got a new iPad stand and Federico reviewed Launch Center Pro 3.

#222: Green Monday, Yellow Wednesday, Purple Thursday

December 12th, 2018 · 84 minutes

Myke struggles to use Amazon's website, Stephen checks his heartbeat and Federico tinkers with keyboards for the iPad Pro.

#221: Speak the Unspeakable Name

December 5th, 2018 · 95 minutes

Myke, Federico and Stephen talk about their use of Shortcuts, Apple Music heading to the Amazon Echo and a bit of BREAKING NEWS.

#220: Numeric Professional

November 28th, 2018 · 79 minutes

Stephen and Federico walk through their new Mac mini setups, then Federico fights with iCloud in Radar #46282145. Please help.

#219: Your Best Friend, Base64

November 21st, 2018 · 81 minutes

Stephen formalizes a new show segment, Federico is making magic in Shortcuts and Myke has thoughts about picture frames.

#218: My Thumb Is Now Useless

November 14th, 2018 · 92 minutes

Federico and Myke thoroughly review the iPad Pro and its accessories – while eschewing the typical podcast format.

#217: A Brief Moment in 1995

November 7th, 2018 · 103 minutes

Federico looks back on his PowerBook 165, Myke sends a tweet and Stephen goes for a drive with Siri. The three also have a conversation about working on the iPad Pro, and how people respond to it.

#216: The Honking Powers the Vehicles

October 31st, 2018 · 115 minutes

The MacBook Air and Mac mini are alive, and the iPad Pro has taken a big step forward, but progress seems to come with larger price tags. The guys dive into all the news, after Federico reviews New York City.

#215: Live from NYC: A Nightmare Level of Itching

October 26th, 2018 · 86 minutes

Stephen and Myke are joined by Marco Arment for a live show in New York City. The three talk about the iPhone XR, the iPhones we loved the most, and what Apple could do to make us the happiest after its event next week.

#214: The Californian Idea of Food

October 17th, 2018 · 89 minutes

Stephen was wrong, and Myke demands an apology before explaining what makes up dust. The FileMaker world is considered, then Federico explains why he thinks the 🍕emoji is wrong. Lastly, Adobe and Palm are both in the news.