Stephen struggles with vowels and Federico dreams about buying a Mac mini and Myke ponders the future of the Apple Pencil.
Federico is back from vacation with a list of demands and opinions. Stephen posted a whole bunch of screenshots, and Myke is trying some new things with Twitter.
Relay FM is four years old, so Stephen and Myke take on a wide range of listener questions about the company, podcasting and beards.
Stephen and Myke kick off iPhone and iPad rumor season, then talk through some recent app news and Apple’s cancellation of the App Store Affiliate Program.
Myke is back, and comes with news of a new household robot, while Stephen reflects on his Macs, both old and new.
Federico and Stephen are joined by John Voorhees to talk about MacBook Pro throttling, HomePod rumors and answer some listener questions.
Federico bought an iPod touch, Nest and Instapaper both have new bosses and the world is finally getting the leg emoji it deserves.
Stephen is joined by Casey Liss and John Voorhees to discuss the 10th anniversary of the App Store, MobileMe's reputation and rumors of a busy fall for Apple's hardware teams.
Myke and Stephen hold an intervention. Federico doesn’t have much to say about MacBook Pro keyboards. All three have hopes and dreams for future Apple audio products.
To celebrate five years of podcasting together, Myke, Federico and Stephen do what they do best: talk about iOS betas, ponder photo management and screw up a round robin.