Stephen is sad about iPods. Federico is happy about iPads. Someone at Apple is probably unhappy about accidental leaks. Just another week.
Stephen tries to help Myke with his laptop as The Rock is having a great day with Siri. Then, Federico breaks down Siri changes coming this fall.
Federico is busy chasing turtles, so Myke and Stephen get to talk about Echo rumors, phones you can squeeze, and macOS High Sierra.
This week, faces are authenticating phones, iOS 11 is shaming apps for using location data and Federico is hard at work on his review.
Will the next iPhone eschew TouchID for facial scanning? Is Stephen keeping his Echo Show? Can Ticci explain CoreML in a way that normal humans can understand?
The Prompt Curse strikes again! Find out what has been struck down, as Myke and Federico discuss the current state of iOS 11, Ticci’s keyboard woes, reviews of the Echo Show, and ARKit.
This week: HomeKit changes coming in iOS 11, our approaches to running betas and Business Chat in iMessage.
Recovering from San Jose, the boys wade through an ocean of follow up, then talk about the new iPads and review Planet of the Apps.
Live from San Jose, the trio talk about the news from a little event known as WWDC.
With WWDC just around the corner, the Connected trio share their hopes and dreams for Apple’s keynote.