Stephen is away on an important mission. He left Myke and Federico behind to discuss the financial decline of Fitbit, and what's missing from iOS 10.3. Myke also has some follow up about sleeping and lightbulbs, and Federico has been observing people.
Federico’s back, Stephen is the Mac mini Spokesperson and Myke needs to buy some stuff.
Dan Moren joins Stephen and Myke to follow-up on microblogging, then talk about home assistants, Apple’s television dreams and the Mac mini.
This week, the aging hosts of Connected remember their first reactions to the iPhone and talk about the value of independent blogging.
Myke, Federico and Stephen draft their predictions for Apple’s 2017 before talking a little bit about some resolutions for the new year, tech-related and otherwise.
With 2016 (finally) drawing to a close, the Connected trio hop in their time machine and revisit the biggest tech stories of the last 12 months.
AirPods are shipping, Mario needs the Internet and Myke has a story.
Federico is back with some new purchases in tow. Stephen published a book. Myke wants more from his Echo. Everyone has wishes for iOS 10.
This week, Stephen and Myke talk about CNN’s acquisition of Beme before answering questions about Relay FM, self employment and Casey Liss.
This week Federico and Myke discuss the Google Daydream VR headset, how Instagram is becoming even more like Snapchat, Apple's Holiday ad, the advancement of the iPad Pro, and iA Writer.