The boys talk about Google’s I/O announcements and Federico drops a bombshell.
Stephen’s collected all the iMacs, there’s a new shirt and things are happening with Apple Music. Pretty normal week.
Stephen is back with an assignment for Federico and Myke, but first: changes come to Withings, auto-correct and Apple Music.
With Stephen away hunting iMacs, Federico and Myke discuss Apple's earnings report for Q2 2016.
A sleep-deprived Myke joins Federico and Stephen to talk about WWDC, new MacBooks and App Store search.
This week, Myke speaks about his two-iPad setup, Federico discusses his Telegram usage and Stephen interviews Kristen Gallerneaux from The Henry Ford Museum about their working Apple I.
Myke is back, and has a surprise for Stephen and Federico. After they recover, the trio talk about the current state of home automation and the iMac’s place in the world.
This week, Stephen and Federico talk about Apple's new push into content, iOS 9.3 woes and the purpose of beta testing.
In the aftermath of Apple’s iPhone SE and iPad Pro event, the boys assemble to talk the news, Stephen’s growing army of iMac G3s and Apple’s naming struggles.
Federico weighs in on the great pineapple pizza debate, then the conversation moves to Android N, the future of the Mac and iOS text editors.