This week Myke and Federico share a potpourri of topics including FlexBright, malware creeping in to BitTorrent clients, Workflow, and rich text. Federico then covers the current state of text editors on iOS.
This week, Myke and Federico console Stephen over the Mac mini before discussing Siri and the next version of iOS.
The whole gang is back this week to discuss Stephen’s semi-smart watch, Federico’s annual iPad checkup and more.
This week, Federico and Myke discuss the Amazon Echo, Tim Cook’s letter to the FBI and Apple executives on The Talk Show.
This week, Federico and Stephen discuss the culture surrounding app updates and answer some listener questions.
This week, Stephen and Federico talk about Stephen's 20th Anniversary Mac, Airmail, Federico's new NAS and the iPad Air 3.
This week, the Connected crew talk about Myke’s new security system, on the Apple TV, iPhone 5se rumors, Garageband and Crashlands.
This week in the warm glow of Night Shift, the boys talk about Federico and Stephen’s recent forays into video editing on iOS and the Mac.
This week, the boys dive into iOS 9.3 with the help of Fraser Speirs.
This week, the boys talk about how Apple could differentiate the next big iPhone and check back in on iOS 9 after several months of daily usage.