Preparations in the final week before a major iOS release, and handling Apple requests for promotional artwork.
Lessons from Vesper's shutdown and strategies to navigate the difficult environment for paid apps today.
Why and how to localize and internationalize your iOS apps.
Using lessons and analytics from watchOS 1 and 2 to rethink our Apple Watch apps for watchOS 3, using Overcast's app as a case study.
Quick takes on eight topics submitted by listeners.
Techniques often used by games to increase engagement, revenue, and addictiveness, and their potential ethical uses in our apps.
Creating and managing shared code, using Git submodules effectively, and whether to open-source your libraries.
Pros and cons of releasing your personal utility apps, focusing mostly on Mac apps.
The value of app ideas, evaluating their feasibility, and considering the business you want to be in.
Concluding our WWDC 2016 coverage, we discuss what's new (or not?) for indie developers in tvOS, macOS, and Swift.